Sunday, March 17, 2013

For Rachel

*****For Rachel Corrie****
Rahmatullah 'Alayk

It’s gotten to the point where I just don’t understand
I cannot comprehend how people still defend
This apartheid and injustice

Do people not know what’s going on?
That we give 23 million a day to sustain their bombs
That Americans are so focused on the security threat in Iran
That they don’t even bother to hear the truth anymore

Tell me. Please explain.
How can you cry for the machine gun and not the Palestinian?
Everyday these people suffer violent cruelty and lose loved ones

You can forget the religious debate you’re about to use
I’m talking about the unreported abuse that is ignored by our news.
The basic human right violations that are disregarded and inadvertently supported by Americans and her government.
That its own citizens go without protection

Rachel Corrie. Do you remember her?
The non-violent peace activist who was murdered
Today’s her martyrdom’s 10-year anniversary.
Her sacrifice breathes as a living memory.
Of the injustice and racist ridiculousness that is so openly practiced.

For all the martyrs the ones who have been murdered
For the collateral damage, the human shields.
The exploitation and abuse, for all the scars that will never heal

The truth, your sacrifice will be heard.
Because when people start to listen
When people begin to care
About humans as humans
When our ignorance and culture of being unaware ends.
Your death would have been for something.

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