Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Miss Gray

Right now I feel like screaming
Faced with your stance of moral superiority 
Instilling on me, this stereotyped idea that you understand me
When was the last time you listened to me?
When did you stop to hear what I was actually saying?

You've categorized me into these pigeon holed ideas of what you believe 
Brushing off my substance
That being raised in your “conservative society” 
Has ruined me, I’m tainted by my upbringing

You ignore the irony
Thinking you’re intellectually liberated. 
But actually you’re a living hypocrisy 
Whose gratification will only come through being isolated

You don’t want coexistence and understanding 
You want to be the judge and determine the standard
And for those who don’t agree, then it’s fine to slander

You bug me. 
But yo'ure not worth the frustrated conversations
So I’ll sit silently
And practice my patience.

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